BYLAW #2024-02
The amendments to the Procedural Bylaw for the Town of Three Rivers were approved by Town Council at last night’s Town Council meeting.
Delegations or persons wishing to speak before Council must advise the CAO or their designate of their intentions to do so by 3:00 pm on the Friday prior to the meeting by calling the Town Office and leaving their name, topic of concern, and whether the Council has previously considered the matter or whether there has been any previous contact with a member of Council or administration regarding the matter. Delegations wishing to present to Council will need to complete a Request for Decision form.
The deadline for receipt of agenda materials for a regular meeting by the CAO is 12:00 noon on the Tuesday preceding the meeting.
Access to the complete bylaw is available on the Town’s website under Bylaws and Policies.
Please contact the Town Office at 902-838-2528 if you have any questions.