DID YOU KNOW: The management of all municipal meetings is governed by a Procedural Bylaw which is a requirement of PEI’s Municipal Government Act. This bylaw outlines how meetings are structured and when presentations from delegates and individuals are set on the meeting agenda. In Three Rivers, presentations from delegations have always required a pre-registration from the delegation. Individuals were not required to pre-register and anyone, resident or non-resident could show up and address Council. A proposal has been put forward for Council consideration to include pre-registration for individuals. The proposal would request that individuals seeking to speak at the meeting would inform Council of their intention to speak. This would occur after the meeting agenda has been released so people can decide if they wish to address Council. The amendment requires that Council provide a response immediately or shortly afterwards to individuals who present. This amendment is not meant to approve who speaks but to let the Town know in advance who wishes to speak. This amendment to the Procedural Bylaw is in line with other municipalities and is before Council for consideration only and has NOT been finalized. This amendment will be fully discussed further before a final decision is made.