National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Each year, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history...
Remembrance Day Banners Available Now

Remembrance Day Banners Available Now

The Three Rivers Memorial Program establishes options for residents for memorials while coordinating the operations, purchase, and installation with Town staff. This program allows residents to purchase an approved memorial object and plaque in memory of a loved one...
Come Meet the Planning Team!

Come Meet the Planning Team!

The Three Rivers Official Plan and Bylaw now support accessory dwelling units on residential properties with single-unit, semi-detached, or row dwellings. This is your opportunity to expand your property and contribute to the growth of our community’s housing stock...
Summer Festivals & Events

Summer Festivals & Events

Summer events in Three Rivers kick off this Canada Day with the annual “Canada Day in Cardigan”. Followed by Georgetown Summer Days July 16-21 and the Arts & Culture Festival at the Montague Waterfront July 26-28. There will also be music at the...
Housing Accelerator Fund

Housing Accelerator Fund

On March 15th the Government of Canada and the Town of Three Rivers announced that they reached an agreement to fast-track 116 homes over the next three years. This work will help spur the construction of more than 400 homes over the next decade. “This is a...