
Notice of Meeting

Notice of Meeting

Notice is hereby given that applications for development permits, severance, and lot consolidations will be considered at a Town of Three Rivers Planning Board meeting on Monday, November 2, 2020, 6:00 PM at the King's Playhouse, 65 Grafton Street, Georgetown. The...

Emergency Centres in Three Rivers

Emergency Centres in Three Rivers

All residents are encouraged to follow EMO recommendations and prepare to shelter in place for at least 72 hours in the event of a widespread power outage. TOWN OF THREE RIVERS POLICY: Expected Level of Service During a Power Outage Emergency In the case of a power...

Three Rivers App

Three Rivers App

The new Town of Three Rivers app is available for download. It's free and can be downloaded on Android or Apple devices. It includes many features for residents and visitors. Art Trail & Historic Buildings Events Calendar News Services Business Directory Contact...

Planning Board Meeting

Planning Board Meeting

Notice is hereby given that applications for a development permit and subdivision will be considered at a Town of Three Rivers Planning Board meeting on Monday October 5, 2020, at the Kings Playhouse. The applications and the approximate time at which the applications...

Electoral Boundaries Commission Report

The Electoral Boundaries Commission has presented its report to Committee of Council. The Commission’s mandate was to recommend an area and boundary for each of the 8 wards, ensuring that the number of electors in each ward is comparable, and that the number of...