
IRAC Submissions

IRAC Submissions

Further to the discussions at the public budget consultation, and the announcement when the 2020-21 financial plan was adopted, rate reviews have been completed on the Montague and Georgetown utilities. As of June 2020, submissions have been made to IRAC. Pending...

Town-owned Facilities beginning to Re-open

Town-owned Facilities beginning to Re-open

As we get some relief from Covid-19 and the related adjustments, town-owned facilities are beginning to re-open to the public. Within Public Health restrictions, municipal offices are now open, as is the public meeting room at the town office in Georgetown. The...

Ward 9 Vacancy

Ward 9 Vacancy

With the May 25 resignation of Councillor Isaac MacIntyre, there is a vacant seat. A new representative for ward 9 will be elected in a by-election, which will be held no later than November 25, 2020.

Municipal Summer Festivals

Municipal Summer Festivals

Hello Everyone, In consideration of the current situation surrounding COVID-19 and restrictions on mass gatherings, we regret to advise you that we have made the decision to cancel the municipal Summer Festivals in Three Rivers. These events have previously included...

Three Rivers Business Directory

Three Rivers Business Directory

We are very pleased to launch the first version of the Three Rivers Business Directory. Very much a work-in-progress, it presently shows listings from the former directories of Georgetown and Montague. The information is in need of being updated, and businesses are...

Three Rivers Official Plan

Three Rivers Official Plan

Establishment of Planning Board is the first step toward an Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw for Three Rivers. Five community members and two members of Council will comprise the Planning Board, which is expected to be appointed in March. The first task of the Planning...