Public Works

Water Disruption

What to do in the event of a water disruption

Water service disruptions are usually caused by construction, water or sewer main breaks, or blockages in pipes.

Should you experience a water interruption, information will be posted and updated immediately after our utility operators secure information on the situation. Communication for residents will be posted to the following places, in a timely manner.

or residents can call the Town office at 902 838-2528 Monday to Friday 8am-4pm. Outside regular office hours our voice messaging system will be updated as information becomes available. Other information avenues may be utilized on a case-by-case basis.

In cases where the water system gets depressurized, the Department of Environment may require the utility to issue a precautionary or mandatory boil water advisory to residents affected when the water is restored. In this event we will post and update residents affected at the above sites. Any recommendations that may have been provided by the Department of Environment will also be stated.

A boil water advisory, even for precautionary measures, requires two clear water samples over 24 hours before the advisory can be lifted.

The Town of Three Rivers and the Montague Sewer and Water utility understand how important water is to residents and our economy. We will make every effort to fix issues in a timely manner. We ask that you share this info with those who live in your household, are tenants, or anyone who relies on water services in a serviced facility.

Questions may be directed to the Town office at any time.